Sunday, July 20, 2008

Out the Roof amazing

So today was the day Kyle and I went to see the Title and the Apathy Eulogy in their last show before returning to NJ.
it was beyond amazing.
They played amazing.
the other bands there were excellent.
and I made a new friend :D [All for Love guy, Matt. he's awesome lol]

I'm so tired right now, but I'm so happy from today.
It was another amazing show.
and only my second.
Damn it all lol.

I can't wait to see them again.
I don't think they truly know how much they mean to me as a band and as individuals.
if I can even say that.
since the only one I've really held a conversation with is Nick and now Matt. lol.
But really.
there is true talent in this bunch.

I'll write full details tomorrow.
ish. :]

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